
New Name. New Website.

My husband and I have launched a new website featuring the new name of our wedding and fine art photography business...

A little history:
Adam started our portrait photography business under Adam Allen Photography.  He began with an amazing first engagement shoot and continued by adding high school seniors, families and weddings.  I have been along for the ride and have shot every wedding with him.  We had packages that did not include me shooting, but we both knew I would shoot anyway. 

Now what?
So Adam + Sarah Photography is born so that every couple the hired us would have two photographers to capture that special day.  We also decided to add the fine art aspect to the website to allow me opportunities to showcase and sell my photos.  Adam will keep Adam Allen Photography for high school seniors and other work not wedding-related along with his blog As I Am Learning.  I will continue to use my photo blog to celebrate God's glory in our creativity as well as through the worship group Through the Lens of Worship.  I will also be featuring aspects of our photography business and experiences with our clients as this business would not exist if it weren't for God and His amazing work in our lives.

Thank you!
Thank you to those who have supported, influenced and hired us and to God for how He works all things together for good for those who love Him!


  1. Looks GREAT!!!
    Are you going to move the wedding pricing page to the new site and take the wedding pics off of the original Adam Allen Photography site?
    You should have a link on the old site to the new site too in case someone goes there looking for a wedding photog from an old business card or something.

    And the fine art stuff is LOVELY!
    Great job!!!

  2. Rhonda, Thank you! I know it's been a while since you commented, but it turns out that I announced our launch a little soon :-P. We will be putting a pricing section up and there shouldn't be any wedding photos on Adam Allen Photography and both link to the same basic splash page. A new development is that I will be getting a new blog/website in place of this one. Not sure how that's going to work since I don't necessarily want to lose everything on this one. I suppose I could put a link as my last entry that sends anyone that doesn't know to my new blog. Decisions decisions. =)


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