
Through the Lens of Worship - Natural Inspiration

This post is in response to Isaiah 40 posted this week on Through the Lens of Worship.  Click the button above to view the Blog Post.

Recently I began the process of making my yard a lovely sanctuary. I have really grown to love flowers and greenery and had some ideas for a lovely little garden space. Now, you must know, I do not have a green thumb. I am great at killing lovely plants and growing really huge weeds. In our new place, I'm trying really hard to be a good little gardener. My plants were looking terrible until my friend came over and diagnosed them for me. It turned out that some were being drowned and some were too dry. So hopeful as I was, before I even attempted at changing my watering habits, one of my dahlia plants that had NEVER bloomed since being planted busted out with flowers! I was super excited!

From Drop Box

In response to Rhonda's post about whether I've been inspired by God's creation, I would like to take a moment and draw some parallels. In the same way that I put forth time and love and effort into caring for the needs of my newly planted garden, God puts all that and MORE into us...whether we believe in Him or not. Also, just as my poor dahlias were looking dead and bearing no blooms, in my patience and continued faithfulness to make sure they had what they needed, and then bloomed practically before my eyes... in this same way, God is faithful to give us what we need in the understanding that even though there is no "life", we can at any moment, while there is still breath in us, come to know Jesus as our Saviour and find a new life that we did not have before.

Simple but sweet. Thank you Lord for not giving up on us.

"But even though we were dead in our sins God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love He had for us, gave us life together with Christ--it is, remember, by grace that you are saved--and has lifted us to take our place with Him in Christ Jesus in the Heavens."  Ephesians 2:4-5

1 comment:

  1. Love this Sarah!
    Gardening is such a GREAT metaphor for how God tends to us.


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